The issues arising when an adopted child is in school can be both painful and illuminating depending on how they are addressed by teachers, parents and the child themselves. Assigments such as drawing a family tree, sharing of baby pictures, or describing physical similarities between the child and each parent can be challenging at best. Communication between the parents and the school is very important but also is equiping the child with the language he or she will need to explain the adoption to both teachers and peers. Here are some useful links to explore, and two videos addressing the issues.
Also click here for the search form to find help with EDUCATIONAL RESOURCESAdoption and School - Child Welfare Information Gateway
Back to School. A guide for making school assignments more adoption-friendly
Adoption in School - a book by FAIR
What about educational and school issues? What are IEPs and does my child need one?
Adoption at School - Talking to Teachers and Classmates